Fusion Fusion (this is a little introdution for the following characters)
Technique learned by Goku, between the Cell Games and when his son, Gohan, was attending Orange Star High School. It allows two people to "fuse" into one, giving the fused person a much higher power level. To achieve fusion some special moves are required.
Requirements & Conditioning The 2 fighters must be similar in size, build and strength. This is easy for them because they all know how to control their power levels. The dance must be performed correctly for a successful fusion. Any minor mistake in the dance can result in deformality or a really weak warrior. The fusion will last for 30 minutes only. After a fusion ends, the two fighters must not perform the dance again for another hour.
Kaioshin's Special Earrings
Later we find out that fusion can also be achieved without the special moves, but only when using 15-dai-mae kaioshin's special earings. This Fusion never "wears off", meaning that the two individuals are fused forever.
Requirements & Conditioning A set of Kaioshin's Earrings. The two fighters that are going to fuse must have the earrings on opposite ears of one another. Each person can only fuse once in a lifetime. The effects on the fusion are supposed to be permanent but as usual they always find a way out.